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Vendor Terms & Conditions

All vendors/sellers are bound to adhere to the following policies when listing or selling products on YANTRACART.

Vendor/Seller code of conduct this policy requires that sellers act fairly and honestly on YANTRACART to ensure a safe buying and selling experience. All sellers/vendors must:

● Always provide accurate information to YANTRACART and our customers at all times. 

● Act wisely and do not misuse YANTRACART’s features or services. 

● Never contact customers or share it with any third party. 

● Never attempt to circumvent YANTRACART’s sales process. 

● Do not send unsolicited or inappropriate communications. 

● Do Not attempt to deliver damage or different products to the customers

Violating the Code of Conduct or any other YANTRACART’s policies may result in actions against you, such as cancellation of your product listings, suspension or forfeiture of payments, and removal of selling privileges.

Accurate Information You must provide accurate information to YANTRACART, and update the information if it changes. For example, this means that you must use a business name that accurately identifies your business.

Act Fairly You must act fairly and lawfully and may not misuse any service provided by YANTRACART. Examples of unfair activities include: 

● Attempting to increase the price of a product after an order is confirmed. 

● Allowing other people to act on your behalf in a way that violates YANTRACART’s policies or your agreement with YANTRACART.

Customer Information You may not use customer information to contact or share it with any third party.

Circumventing the Sales Process You may not attempt to circumvent the YANTRACART sales process or divert YANTRACART customers to another website. This means you may not provide links or messages that prompt users to visit any external website or complete a transaction elsewhere.

Payment Remittance, Refunds & Returns 

● YANTRACART disburses payment within 48 hours from the date of the delivery of the order. 

● The remittance cycle is every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Bank Holidays are an exception. 

● If an order gets returned, YANTRACART will balance the next subsequent payment with the previous one. 

● Sellers/Vendors have to inform YANTRACART about price information deflation at the earliest opportunity else if the seller/vendor informs about the price information when YANTRACART asks him to start the order process, YANTRACART might or might not accept the differential amount.

Packaging Guidelines YANTRACART will mail sellers/vendors with packaging slips and invoices. The sellers/vendors have to take a printout and stick a copy of the invoice and the packaging slip on the shipment. 

● Never attach any brochures, leaflets or invoices (OF YOUR OWN) for your marketing. Conducting such action will lead to a fine decided solely by YANTRACART. 

● After orders get confirmed, vendors/sellers need to dispatch the shipment within 24 hrs. If the deadline is not followed and YANTRACART finds no valid reason for the delay then YANTRACART will take restrictive actions on the Vendor/Seller. 

● Sellers / Vendors must inform YANTRACART once the package is picked up by the courier, and also need to share the packaging slip with the signature of the courier pick-up representative. 

● Product packaging must be done properly. All guidelines must be followed so that the products don’t get damaged while shipping. 

● If a product arrives damaged due to incompetent packaging, then the vendor/seller would be deemed liable. 

● In RTO, if you received the product in damaged condition, the vendor/seller must inform YANTRACART (within 24hrs) by sharing photos and videos of the damaged goods, Vendor\'s Representative must mention "damaged"(in big bold letters) with his signature on the courier receipt form, and share that photo with us as well. YANTRACART won\'t be responsible if the vendor doesn\'t take action within the said period.